Please email info@trackways.co.uk for requests for one to one tuition , mentoring, to organise a schools group visit or a corporate package.
2024 Dates
Please email if you are interested in any of these upcoming programs or if there are courses we have not got dates for that interest you.
Please email us if you are interested in the Rites of passage for youth
12-15 April MEDICINE WAYS Darkness and Light
This session involves facing the shadow and developing a skilful relationship with what is considered negative. While also connecting with the light and developing our skill as death midwives.
Come and join the 7 month intensive start or just take the introductory Bushcraft fundamentals course. This includes an introduction to Nature connection, Tracking and Foraging.
This is a camping weekend in our Sussex woodland site.
This includes free lifetime access to Trackways first online survival course that is normally sold for £99.99
Wild craft weekend taken separately £270.
As part of the 7 month intensive £2800 / £500 deposit.
10-14 May MEDICINE WAYS Sacred object making final Medicine ways session
We will make medicine drums and learn some advanced Shamanic healing techniques.
18 May Flint knapping day session Adults £65 accompanied youth £35
Limited places. Bring your own lunch.
May 31- June 4 ADVANCED SKILLS 7 MONTH INTENSIVE session two
Following on from the Wildcraft course the participants are tested by building a shelter and living in it for the duration of the course. This includes training in Hide tanning, Flint knapping, Bow making and many other advanced survival skills. This takes place in our woodland site in Sussex.
This includes your free lifetime access to Trackways second online survival course that is normally sold for £124.99
Taken separately from the 7 month intensive £550
5-9th July Nature Connection 7 MONTH INTENSIVE session three
We will develop our understanding of the languages of nature; Reading tracks and the language of the birds, how to move within the flow to become invisible to the forest inhabitants and see more wildlife. We will Reinstate our natural connection and in the process learn to slow down in order to heal our everyday stresses.
Taken separately from the 7 month intensive £550
26-30 July Tracking intensive.
Tracking is a natural form of inquiry; it is the engine of awareness driving us to develop the art of questioning to its ultimate level. An intricate way to decode the language of the Earth and all that moves on her, while opening a way to perceive a deeper reality.
Adults £550 accompanied youth £250
14-18 August Advanced skills II Quest preparation 7 MONTH INTENSIVE session four
This session involves more advanced practice with primitive living skills. Refining our craft skills and making some of the items we can take on the survival quest.
13-15 September Caretaker Earth Healer 7 MONTH INTENSIVE Session five
We will work with nature to help to return damaged areas back into balance; learning techniques that help to heal the Earth. This approach is needed now more than ever and fosters a deeper connection with the Earth allowing us to remember our original purpose as humans.
September 27-October 1st Medicine ways Start
This begins a powerful journey of re-connection to our work with Spirit. The course teaches the core skills of Shamanism with an innate connection to nature, while revealing the science that underpins the different altered states. Some of the teachings will be delivered on line with 3 x 5 day in person sessions please email to register your interest tischorrkon@gmail.com.
Deposit of £500 The total course costs £2000
October 6-12 Survival Quest: 7 MONTH INTENSIVE Final session
This week long session completes the 7 month intensive. It is half survival exercise half vision quest. Testing the skill level of the participant and finding a doorway to an encounter with spirit.