September 15-17 th 2023

If you are feeling lost and disconnected from your personal power. Not quite sure where you sit with your understanding of the masculine in these changing times, then we invite you to join us.
This will be a gathering to reconnect with our Wild and Sacred Man. Together we will travel to the edge, facing the challenges where ever they arise and return in a state of self-sovereignty.
We will examine and reintegrated those parts of self that have gone rogue. We will face the mystery and find the place in ourselves that can embrace the unknown.
This will lead to uncovering the integrity and dignity that underpins our positive male nature, so that we can return as kings.
Through a process of Wilderness skills, Martial Arts, Talks, Moving in Nature, Meditation, Questing, Sharing and Ceremony we will connect with each other as brothers.
The team of facilitators who work with different aspects of gender and masculinity include: Chris Deojee Mark Taylor and Thomas Schorr-kon.
With a balance of activity and discussion we will realign with our deep sacred masculine. As we are moving in to the mystery we only ask for £30 up front to cover food for the weekend. We will then ask each individual man to make a contribution that matches with what they have received.
Please email info@trackways.co.uk to request details arrival information.
Testimonials of previous events:
“This was no ordinary event, not even an extraordinary event, it can only be summed up as an AWE inspiring experience presented beautifully by Darren and his co-facilitators, Thomas & Mark, in an breath taking loch side location on the EDGE of the Scottish Highlands.
Mind, body and spirit were all touched with extensive group talks and physical activities in natural surroundings. These three men and their many talents can bring a group of males from various backgrounds and bond them into a band of brothers for the greater good of mankind.
In one weekend I experienced an awakening of energy, a spiritual rebirth and a natural baptism in the faith of life itself.
I will forever be grateful ❤
"The work Darren does with (mystery), for me, has made a huge impact! It has changed my relationship with money, and forged a deeper understanding of what is happening with myself and my wife. I have always been a very sexual guy and without understanding (mystery) and how women and masculine energy works I think affairs and destructive behaviour would have come had I not started to understand this. Whenever I heard Darren talk it’s always new and fresh and I always gain something new.
Since coming back I have been (applying these changes) with other groups and the positive feedback has been massive. As for myself I find myself much more present and grounded with a focus on the future, a friend who works with auras actually had to call me after a chance meeting to explain the total shift in my aura. With each journey the offerings become more powerful and hit harder, it’s been a huge blessing and at times testing journey so far and I look forward and am truly honoured to see this work being so well received. "
“Spending time with my father now I feel noticeably more connected to and appreciative of him than before the course”
“Those who really know me know I’m a man of few words... so I’ll try do some justice
RITE AT THE EDGE WAS ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT SPECIAL.... and trying to find words for it ain’t so easy it truly was magical... and I can only imagine how much more off a bond we may have had if it was a little longer...
A spark was ignited inside me and I’m sure all brothers can agree they felt it in there own way... A passage of rites certainly... Would have loved more time with the (mystery from Mark)... Mark has plenty more to share but what an amazing consolidation job he done..
The (mystery from Thomas) was AMAZING and I know i will revisit that space again and again... somehow... Respect love and gratitude to Thomas for enlightening me a little more than I expected...
What I’ve noticed
So far is....I’m more present now within myself which is massive😱 love it!!! I’m more present with my beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters... that’s been missing in my life for a long long time : “ far too much working” not enough taking in the scenery and smelling the roses... and generally caught up in the rat race for a long time...Would I do this again ? am tooting loved it lads. Thank you from the ❤️😊
"It was a great weekend, from both a theory perspective- well described concepts of the masculine and gender and how to apply them in life. And then practical activities to literally push to and look over the edge. I felt the effect of paying attention to my (mystery) and how it applies to my life. The weekend after I was working at an event where I found it easier to explain my work and to be confident with it. Even noticing a difference/deepening in my voice. I also felt stronger and dealt with the endurance aspects of the work involved throughout the weekend, to sort out setting up etc as well.
This week I have had a reminder of how things improved, because I noticed how I felt by falling back into old patterns of not being present/taking charge and the consequences of the return/ increased strength of my inner critic, including worries about financial decisions. Instead of descending down the old spiral of negative feelings, I can now look at it as a reminder of what I've achieved and that I have the capacity to deal with whatever comes up and that I can survive and thrive.
"The weekend endeavoured to provide the men in attendance with a taste of what so many of our forefathers would have taken as granted, but which is so sorely lacking in today’s Western world - the joys of brotherhood. How did he intend to do this? By taking us all to our own ‘edge’.
The edge is the place no man wants to tread. The edge tests our abilities, and requires a withdrawal from the bank of trust in ourselves and the brothers around us, in order to increase our capacity to encounter the world and push back against the forces that would purport to walk all over us should we let them.
The weekend was testing, intimate and utterly unique. It was very physical - embodying, in fact - and there wasn’t a hug circle in sight.
I was tested throughout the weekend, by circumstances, both designed and natural, and learnt more about my own capacity and ability to trust my mind and body. I challenge any man who attends not to come away with deep insight into themselves, and an experience of the life-affirming potential of brotherhood. Sign up and go. You’ll never experience anything quite like it." Anonymous
"“The fruits from beyond the edge be beyond imaginin. Darren holds open the doorway so that others might return after stepping through’”